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Switzerland’s eco-friendliest driver 2017

Aktualisiert: 6. Jan. 2023

Two years ago, the Optifuel Challenge, an eco-driving competition to find the driver that uses the least fuel, came to a successful conclusion and the Swiss finalists achieved great results at the international grand final in Lisbon.

Switzerland’s commercial vehicle association Astag agreed to partner this year’s event, and provided free training for participants. 48 drivers drove twice round a 40 km course with a Renault T480 T4x2 Optifuel 13 l truck and trailer, and both trips were evaluated in terms of fuel consumption and speed, among others

The Winner – Urs Schori – Bergundthal Transport Ltd.  –  will compete against the 30 best drivers in Europe in the grand final in Spain in October.

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Source: International Transport Journal  ITJ 20.6.2017 online edition.

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